Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Why does the Philippines have so many workers overseas?


There are better opportunities for advancing material wealth abroad, especially in first-world countries and countries that are willing to pay more for labor.

Brain drain causes more brain drain. Higher-level jobs support other jobs. When a doctor leaves, that means a few nurses, technicians, and receptionists are less needed. When an engineer leaves, they might have a secretary or assistant that relied on them for work. Not to mention that professionals also hire housekeepers, nannies, and drivers. When a businessman leaves, the country is deprived of their business leadership and entrepreneurial activities.


Filipinos speak English which helps them navigate internationally.

Filipinos are fairly confident in their ability to adapt and learn foreign languages. The Philippines has many languages and a typical Filipino can speak at least 3 languages. The Filipino languages themselves have a lot of Spanish words which eases learning Romance languages like Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian. Other Asian languages aren’t too difficult either.


Filipinos have a Westernized culture. Moving to the West is not as difficult culturally.

There is a culture of working abroad. Many Filipino enclaves exist abroad to facilitate transitions - there are Filipinos in the Middle East, Singapore, Hong Kong, U.S, Canada, Australia, UK, Italy, and Spain.

Seafaring Tradition

From the Spanish colonization and American occupation times, Filipino seafarers have been engaged in international maritime commerce. Filipino seafarers comprise the largest single ethnic group in international shipping. The US Navy has many Filipinos who joined the ranks when the bases were still operating in the Philippines.

Medical Field

Philippines is one of the largest sources of foreign doctors, nurses, and other medical technicians in the world - particularly nurses. During the American period, training Filipinos in nursing and the subsequent recruitment of nursing graduates in the US was largely established by the American government. This legacy is still a path to a better material life abroad and has expanded into many countries.


Filipino housekeepers or maids are also in high demand in many countries, particularly in Asia and Middle East. Filipino housekeepers can make significantly more abroad rather than staying in the country. The ability to speak English is also a desired trait as it can be seen as a way to teach kids basic English. 

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