Tuesday, December 05, 2023

It only makes sense to empower local governments by giving them more agency over their affairs. A federal system would be really great at this because each province can do more for itself. Its very difficult for the government in the capital to really know the issues facing people very far away from them, passing legislation and directing resources on their behalf.

Things that can be accomplished at the smallest government level should be accomplished at the smallest government level. If the issue is too big for a government, that is when a larger government scope can step in.

For example, primary and secondary schools, small clinics, residential roads, public markets, should be at the local level, the barangay. Barangay police can be in charge of petty crimes.

The city or metro can be in charge of public transport, city roads, small colleges, trade schools, and larger clinics / small hospitals. City police can deal with larger crimes - detective work, criminal syndicates, professional criminals.

The province should be in charge of provincial roads and bridges, larger hospitals, universities, inter-city bus terminals, minor ports, environmental protection, and electricity infrastructure.

The national government can be in charge of national roads, major bridges connecting provinces, international seaports and airports, international affairs, the military, national universities, research and development, and specialty hospitals. National police (like FBI) are for crimes that involve the nation like mafias, terrorists, and smugglers.

Maybe this is out of scope, but whatever the smaller government can do, they should do, unless there is a good reason to involve a higher government scope. 

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