Saturday, December 30, 2023

Why did the French lynch Gerard Depardieu?


Because Gerard is a has been that has been a sack of shit for pretty much his entire career. Anyone pretending the man is getting unfairly lynched is at least a decade too late to that party.

Yes, he was a monster of the French cinema. The monster.

He was Obélix,

he was Portos,

he was the Count of Monte Cristo,

Jean Valjean,

the young punk from les valseuses,

a suprisingly hillarous vilain in Inspecteur LaBavure,

he was the no-nonsense man stuck with a dumbass…

and also the dumbass stuck with a no-nonsense man.

He was at the top of the world. He was one of the biggest name in French cinema. He had range, comedic timing, raw talent and an advantageous physic. A real star. He could have it all. Even has he grew old and fat, far removed from his glory days as the big and strong man, he still was beloved by the French public. He was the epytome of Frenchness, a “bon vivant” waving proudly a salami, a bottle of wine and the colors of our nation.

But Gerard had two weakness: alcohol and being a fucking boomer with too much money and power in a world where absolutelly everything is about sex and sex is about power. People like Depardieu have access to the prettiest woman you can imagine and they can hold incredible power over them.

As early as the 70’s, when the man became a well established movie star, he was already known for having rather backward views on women and be a bit of piece of work. But it was swept under the rug and people didn’t mind it much, because the mindset was very different.

In the 90’s, he tanked any prospect of an american career when, during an interview, question arose about his previous position and the words he held in the 70’s. The dude basically claimed women wanted to be raped. He still had a career after that in France.

In the 2000’s, the man who had been known for his public support toward Mitterrand, the 80’s socialist president of France, and the communist in the 90’s, was now publically supporting Nicolas Sarkozy, a hard line conservative. So now he was a turn coat. But really, people didn’t mind. The commies were has been and Sarko was elected “fair and square”…

Then, in 2013, he had the good idea, after a series of scandal that basically boiled down to “Gerard does not want to pay his fucking taxes”, to go sucks Putin dicks and begs for a Russian passport. Now the French people started to tell him to fuck off. He didn’t cared, he still had all the money in the world and could now LARP as a Russian oligarch for the rest of his days. And that's exactly what he did.

Today, the man is mostly known because he was caught sexually harassing women in North Korea and because a shit ton of women he abused in France are starting to speak up. Up until now, he had been fairly forgotten as an actor, only poping up in the news because he droped a stinky hot take on some random subject no one asked his opinion for.

So, yeah, Gerard deserve’s all the flak he’s getting. He was already out of line in the 70’s so he had enough pass and second chances.

Thanks for the movies Gerard, but you can stay in Russia. We don’t want you back in France. 

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