Sunday, December 31, 2023

When was the last time you have visited your country of birth? What was it like?


I visited my country of birth (Nicaragua) after living in Asia (Taiwan) for almost 3 years, which was in May of 2018.

What was it like?

Well, it was a combination of different feelings, I was definitely excited to see my family, my friends and even all my dogs (We had 5 dogs at the moment I left my country) unfortunately 1 died while I was abroad.

So yes I was happy when I landed in the airport of my country of birth and when I saw my parents and brothers and friends I was really happy, but it wasn't the same, it just wasn't.


Well, I’m pretty sure all the ones who have left their home country to go and live in a more developed society will relate with me, there is such a thing as backwards cultural shock, that moment when you go back home after living abroad for quite a while and you see the way your people act and you’re like WTF!!!!!

For example, public transportation, in Taiwan people like to stand in lines, and everyone is respectful of each other’s space, no one will try to cut in line, even on the electric stairs there are two lines, the one on the right is for standing on the electric stairs and the one on the left is for walking upstairs as the electric stairs are moving (for the ones in a hurry)

In Nicaragua, well…..there are no lines, if you see the public bus approaching people will run towards it and fight you to get in before you, public buses in Nicaragua are always super crowded specially during rush hour.

That was just an example, a very simple every day activity as taking the public transportation in your home country becomes a bit strange after living abroad for long.

When you get the chance of hanging out with your friends after not seeing them for sooo long , you realize that you have grown apart, they have their own life where you’re no longer really part of and the same goes for them, they’re no longer an active part of your life, and that’s understandable if you’re now living on different continents.

Also, you finally realize how bad your country is doing politically, economically and socially (when you go from living in a 3rd world country to a more developed and rich country), I mean I've always known that Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in America, but after living in Asia and visiting many countries like China, Singapore, Malaysia and even Thailand, you finally realize that there is a lot of work to do to move forward.

I believe living abroad changes you, you’re definitely not the same you were when you left, and this is not a reason for you to believe that you’re better than everyone else who’s never left their home country, instead is a great opportunity to realize how lucky you are and be humble about it.

I love my home country, I love Nicaragua, that one who doesn't love his/her birth country doesn't love his/her mother, I can’t wait to go back, but there is a part of me that now has seen more of the world and wants to see more, a part of me that says: no you’re not ready to go back and live in Nicaragua, there are still many opportunities out there.

After all, the reason why most people migrate from poor countries is to look for better life opportunities you, unfortunately, can not get in your home country, it is always good to look back so you don’t forget where you come from, but keep looking ahead so you can keep moving forward.

Oh and food, eating my local food again after so long is just pure happiness


Eulises Quintero 

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