Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Nick Vujicic - motivational speaker of world renown

Australian-born Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker of world renown. He was born with a rare Tetra-amelia syndrome, a genetic disorder, which means that he is without arms and legs. However, he performs all possible tasks with two toes on his underdeveloped left foot.

Life was ruthless towards Nick in the beginning, but he managed to find a motive and fought for his place in the world, because people like him almost never succeed.

You may not have known, but Nick tried to commit suicide at the age of 10 because his schoolmates made fun of him. However, he managed to finish the school he started. As a teenager, he slowly became involved in humanitarian organizations that help people with disabilities. Thus began his ascent and began with motivational sessions. He later published several books on the subject.

A crucial role in Niko Vujicic's life was played by his wife. He met her in 2008 and has four children with her. By the way, Nick's parents have two younger children without Tetra-amelia syndrome.

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