Tuesday, April 30, 2024

What is wrong with the Philippines? How can the Philippines improve to be a better country?

Profile photo for Jürgen Frost

Unfortunately, the Philippines have been colonized by Spanish psychopaths (around 80%). Privileges from this period are still valid today, 2000 - 2020, which promote corruption and crime up to terrorism in regional state administrations.

What are psychopaths? These beings look like humans, but they have a genetic defect in the brain that generates extreme greed and megalomania, so that these beings cannot be considered normal humans. This gene deformation is passed on from generation to generation.

The rule of regional psychopaths should be ended and the entire, sane Filipino people are called upon to do so.

Foreign investors should not be blackmailed and projects that help the Filipinos to find a job and the Minister of Finance the higher tax revenues from the tourism industry should be destroyed see Camiguin Island: Belgians invested 60,000,000 pesos, was blackmailed by the mayor and governor and the project has been demolished. 150 Filipinos would have had a job here. In Glan, Sarangani Province the same thing. A Dutch investor was blackmailed by the former mayor.

The Regional Justice System documents high levels of corruption and crime among lawyers who work as judges or prosecutors in the regional courts = Hall of Justice Syndicates etc. etc. Not all - but to many. Case delay a kind of dirty business and here you can get some undercover information, that there are high criminal, terrorism psychopaths mind.control2000@yahoo.com.

A harmful system structure will result in some famine in many Filipinos from 2020 to 2050. Hunger is coming: 7/2019 Manila - Bananas made in Philippines 70 Peso. To the same time in Europe, Bananas made in Middle America, coming with ship 9.500 kms to Europe, the price of Bananas 56 Peso, one week later 51 Peso …… Many prices in the Philippines are for Filipinos to hight and generate hunger over hunger.

The Filipinos should be made more aware of harmful behavior in school, which causes health damage that is relieved by medical personnel. As an example: improper nutrition develops many diseases. For example: in narrow sales channels, where stands are set up on the right and left, lazy, uneducated boys and girls drive in the pedestrian flow and spread deadly fumes = asthma, cancer etc. etc.

The Filipinos have to learn to manage better with their resources. In front of the house is weed-strewn land. This can be used by growing vegetables, spices or small trees that provide fruit etc. etc.

The Philippines need an effective Control-Department, that every body can present his experience and the Control-Department investigate and discipline the Official, which misuse their position.

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