Saturday, April 13, 2024

The wrong sport for the wrong people

The Gilas Pilipinas will have their choke job on the 2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup just like the previous ones and in spite that we’re fond on playing basketball for a long time and also one of the 3 hosting nations for that said sporting event but still we couldn’t make it to the top 10 highest rank according to FIBA (International Federal Basketball Association). And to prove it according to FIBA’s website, the Philippines rank #40 on the list as of today, way lower than other countries where basketball is not the most favorite sports in their country (rather it was soccer/football) like Spain (ranks #1 in the world and beat USA), France, Serbia, Australia, Argentina, Slovenia, Lithuania, Greece and Italy while Philippines is on the 40th place in the world. Why is that and what’s the cause of it? Well to know the root of these problems, I’d asked this question to the fabulous ChatGPT (if you believe on AI technology) and he’s answer is really factual and here’s what the AI said it:

“The Philippines has a rich basketball history and a strong basketball culture, but several factors contribute to the country's struggles in consistently achieving a high ranking in FIBA (International Basketball Federation) competitions. Some of the key reasons include:

  1. Lack of Infrastructure and Development Programs: While basketball is popular in the Philippines, there has been a lack of consistent and comprehensive infrastructure and development programs. Other countries with top-ranking basketball teams invest heavily in youth development, coaching education, and grassroots programs, which helps cultivate a deep talent pool.
  2. Height Disadvantage: Basketball is a sport where height can be a significant advantage. While the Philippines has produced talented and skilled players, the average height of Filipinos is relatively shorter compared to some other nations. This can put the Philippines at a physical disadvantage against taller opponents in international competitions.
  3. Competition from Other Sports: In recent years, the Philippines has faced competition from other sports for talent and resources. Soccer, boxing, and other sports have gained popularity and have started to attract young athletes who might have otherwise pursued basketball.
  4. Limited International Exposure: Regular participation in international tournaments and exposure to higher-level competition is essential for player development and improving the national team's performance. Limited opportunities for international exposure can hinder the growth of Filipino players and the national team.
  5. Coaching and Training: High-level coaching and training are crucial for player development and tactical understanding of the game. A shortage of experienced coaches who can teach advanced techniques and strategies can hinder the country's basketball progress.
  6. Inconsistent Performance: The Philippines has shown flashes of brilliance in international competitions, but consistency is key in maintaining a high ranking. Inconsistent performance against top-tier teams can prevent the Philippines from consistently achieving a top ten rank.
  7. Organization and Governance: Issues related to the organization and governance of basketball in the country can impact its overall development. A well-structured and efficiently run basketball federation is essential for driving growth and success.
  8. Financial Constraints: Developing a competitive national team requires funding for training, facilities, travel, and participation in international tournaments. Financial constraints can limit the resources available for player development and preparation.

It's worth noting that achieving and maintaining a top ten ranking in international basketball is a challenging task for any country, and many factors beyond popularity and passion for the sport contribute to success. While the Philippines may face challenges, continuous efforts to address these issues, invest in player development, provide international exposure, and enhance coaching and infrastructure can gradually lead to improved performance on the international stage.”

Well I guess the ChatGPT is much wiser than all of the players in Gilas Pilipinas and even their head coach by the name of CHOKE Reyes. How sad and Gilas will NEVER win any medals or trophies on FIBA Basketball World Cup until if there’ll be a drastic reform on Philippine basketball and the 9 countries in the top 10 lists where soccer/football is their favorite sports but they’d improve their basketball games and skills for the past decades!

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