Monday, April 15, 2024

Is it possible for the Philippines to become the richest country in Southeast Asia?

Profile photo for Conrad Strife

The Philippines was the richest country in South East Asia before (especially before pre-WW2). We were second to Japan. Manila was the Paris of Asia because it looked identical to European cities. We had the latest Trams and infrastructure systems together with America during those times. We almost had the firsts (first airline in whole Asia, first LRT/MRT in SEA). As you can see, even before, our country is not getting behind when it comes to modernity. We inspired our SEA neighbours before, even South Korea. They say that some highways and expressways of SK were inspired by our expressways when their president once visited us. They were inspired by how rich we were back then, and we are glad and happy that they use this inspiration to prosper (look at them now). I just wish those countries that we helped when we were rich would stop insulting us but instead help and inspire us. Therefore, I think it can be the richest or at least rich again but it will require time and effort not just within an overnight but years. Most current infrastructures need an intensive overhaul. The first infrastructures in SEA that we were proud of which sadly turned into worst today. The country needs to build more and more infrastructures (which are being done now). We need more job opportunities in the country. If these happen, I think it can change the foul mentalities of Filipino people for better and more prosperity. People need to be educated enough so that they will stop making too much babies that they can’t handle and learn how to dream for better lives.

Koreans now ask us what happened to our country. They can’t believe the downfall of the country where they once looked for inspiration when they were poor. We also helped the other SEAs especially Thailand when it comes to rice exportation (since Philippines was the greatest exporter of rice before) but what we get from them now are insults not help, sad life :’(.

Philippines has many potentials to be greater due to its natural resources and the heavy influences of the west (where industrialization and modernity started). It’s just that the inhabitants of the country are abusive, unambitious, and complacent. But things are improving now.

In a few years (2022 estimated), we will be an upper middle income country (just like Malaysia Thailand & Indonesia though they still have more GDP than us with Indonesia just slightly higher than us). We just need US$500 more in our GDP per capita and I think we can aim it in 2022 due to numerous under construction infrastructures that will operate in 2022 plus the removal of informal settlers in short, quality of life improvement. The new infrastructures will provide more job opportunities to people. The removal of slums and cleaning of the rivers which are currently in process will improve the image and beauty of the country. Foreign investors currently still invest more projects that will help improve the quality of life, economy, and employment rate of the Philippines.

It is estimated that if our present economic growth continues, we will reach first world status in 2040. That’s if we maintain the improvement of our country. But to be the richest and most powerful are another missions. It could take longer than 2040 or just exactly in 2040. It depends on the odds. To be a rich economical country is predictable but to be the richest, most powerful, and most influential are very hard to predict. During colonial times, they didn’t expect that America would be even greater than Europe (which is just also a colonized continent by Europeans). Europe was a very poor and uncivilized continent during a millenium medieval era but now they are one of the richest, most powerful, and most influential continents of the world.

As of now, Philippines is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, especially in SEA. If we continue this, our economy will prosper. However, this is only just about the economy. A rich economy does not mean that the average inhabitants are also rich.

The people need to improve their thinking, be more realistically ambitious, and aim for better life and legacies. Most Filipinos believe that it is better to be contented but in today’s reality, that’s not how the world revolves. We need to aim higher not for competition but for high quality survival. In short, Filipinos need to change their perspective and mindset.

Filipinos need to stop wasting their profession for a domestic helper job which only make us look poor. They can improve their profession here and try their luck in other richer countries for the mean time. I admit that in the present times, our country lacks opportunities. But there are ways to improve it. My opinion is for my fellow professionals to be qualified enough so that other countries will grant us the same qualifications. Then, once they practice their profession and skills overseas, they can earn enough money to invest businesses and firms in the Philippines to give more opportunities to next generation professionals so that they won’t be obliged to work overseas anymore. This will help the government and foreign investors to invest more if the locals can really work not hard but wise in improving the industries of the country.

We blame the government for the present economic status of the Philippines. But it already happened, we cannot change the Philippines overnight or even on the long run by just complaining and crying. What the people currently do is cry and escape instead of helping the country to improve, prosper and get its richness back. We cannot just blame the government and wait for them to change. We, people, also need to do actions.

The government also need their people to change. It’s not a one way effort from the government or people. They need to work together. People need inspiration from the government. The government needs the cooperation of the people. If this happens, we can be even greater not just in SEA but also in the whole world.

We have modern and organized laws. But Filipinos are mostly undisciplined. They hate laws and regulations. The government lacks law enforcements. That’s why the laws are not applied thus giving more chaotic situations. If the government gives more effort for law enforcements, the undisciplined locals will learn. That means providing more police personnel and security guards to watch over and also punishments to those who will oppose. So, it’s really a helping hand and team work between the people and the government.

Richer and greater countries even have many poor, jobless, and homeless people. They also have numerous crimes and terrorisms which are odd considering they are “rich”. Many children die innocently because of gunshots and bombs. I hope that if Philippines become rich, we will be rich enough to avoid those things and that’s what really “RICH” means to me. Not just a money rich economy but also being a crime, terror, and poor free.

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