Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Why is burqa banned in many countries?

Profile photo for Tomaž Vargazon

There’s a problem with the burqa: one completely lacks a choice in wearing one.

These are not ninjas

The the Catholics nuns for example, or as I like to call them, penguin cosplayers. Catholic nunneries prescribe a uniform for their members, which isn’t quite as bad as the burqua, but the only major difference in tthe cut is in that the penguin suit doesn’t cover the face. If we allow nunnery outfits, we should allow burqas, some claim.

Here are a few things a Catholic woman needs to do in order to become a nun: be of age of majority, voluntarily join a covenant and give the so-called “temporary wows”. After three years of living as a nun, she will be asked to reaffirm her temporary wows for another three years, or give ethernal wow. She can freely leave the nunnery after three years, stay for another three years, or make the committment and become a proper nun. The termporary wows can be given I think three or four times, after that you need to give the definitive answer. You’re free to leave several times over and you are not even allowed to fully join until you’ve had at least one chance to recant, without any downsides whatsoever.

Furthermore, Catholic nuns aren’t even required to cosplay a penguin at all times. Most have a regular job and wear regular clothes in their workplace. They can even go out dressed like a normal person and enjoy life. Of course there are limits set upon their covenant and they can’t exaclty visit a strip club or walk about wearing nothing but a WickedWeasel type 457 bikini (google it, it’s a dousey), they would be expected to dress modestly and behave appropriately of course, but that is not to say they are not allowed to have a good time, outside, with friends and even in mixed company. What is more, a Catholic nun can leave the covenant after making the eternal wow. There will be consequences to her immortal soul of course, but the Church won’t hunt her down and crucify her or anything like that.

Compare that to a burqua, where the requirements are: be born female in a Muslim family. That’s it, that’s the entire extent of the requirements. Furthermore, Mosques that prescribe the burqua don’t allow for any of the freedoms offered to Catholic nuns. Worse, in order to leave the crazies you need to become an apostate and Islam prescribes a death sentence for apostates.

If wearing the burqua was a choice it would be one thing, but it’s not, not on any level. Some women say out loud they want to wear it and that may even sometimes be true, but that doesn’t mean it’s true for most women, or that they’re even allowed to freely express their opinion.

That’s why the burqua needs to remain controversial. The other reason is that of security. You can’t enter a post office or bank wearing a halloween costume either and the burqua is even more cryptic than those.

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