Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Do you think Gérard Depardieu is a controversial actor?

Because while he is by all accounts a fine actor, Gérard Depardieau is the living, breathing embodiment of the seven deadly sins. He is a legendary drunk, a womanizer, and consent means rather little to him. He’s greedy, too, would rather move countries or forsake his nationality than pay a little more taxes — to the point where he went from French citizenship, to Belgian, to Russian citizen all over the course of just a few years.

Depardieu is the sort of man who would drink four bottles of wine, get on a commercial flight completely drunk out of his mind… forget where he is, then whip out his baguette in the middle of the flight and take a steaming piss in the middle of the aisle as shocked mothers hide their children’s eyes. The type of minutes long piss that would put horses to shame. Yes, he was banned for life. He is the sort of man who would look at a little girl riding a horse and joke that she’s “learning to ride nice and early”, followed by wicked laughter.

Gérard Depardieu is the sort of man who would place his hand down a young actress’ shorts in the middle of a crowded room, a film crew right next to them, and when she protests, say: “I thought you wanted to make it in this industry?” Yes, I think Depardieu is a controversial actor.


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