Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Why do many Filipino women are attracted to white men?

You have their motivation wrong. Pale skin is the beauty standard here and has been for about 3500 years. There has been ancient pottery and fragments found in both Luzon and the Visayas that have chemical residue from the same homemade herbal skin lightening concoctions that are still used in those areas. While many of us do have money, by local standards we are quite well off and that is how we can afford to live here, most of struggle though in our home countries which is why we came here, even more than the women and weather.

Fifteen years ago when I was here, my neighbor and drinking buddy was a retired US marine around 44. He was also a black man and made something around P200,000 per month after his bills were paid and that included a mortgage in the US, a nice condo in Makati and another one in Davao and a couple of car payments. We went out one night and after 5 or 6 liters of red horse he drunkenly asked the 5 or 6 ladies hanging on me why he wasn’t good enough and why they were interested in the fat white guy. He went on tell them about him making twice as much and being twice as long. While doubt the veracity of being twice as long statement, they didn’t care either. One of them looked him in the face, and said that might be true, but we will have prettier babies with him, meaning me. Fair or not, that is the fact of it. I was rich enough and could give them the pretty babies they wanted. i suspect that also applies to most non-white people.

So not only are we attractive we have a cultural habit of being faithful to our spouses, while married Filipino men, by their own admission to multiple surveys, show that between half and three out of four have been unfaithful to their wives. Then there is the fact that according to the PSA nearly half of all teen pregnancies where the father is name he is a married man and in half the examined cases he was between 2 and 3 times the age of the girl he got pregnant.

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