Tuesday, April 09, 2024

What psychological tricks work on most people?


My -ex used to be a nurse in a psychological care facility.

When they were dealing with someone who was going completely ballistic, out of their control mind, the wrong thing to do was be completely calm.

She said she’d often go in and act a level or two calmer, but agree with the patient about their anger, because that would get them on board to listen to her and connect. And from there, she’d be able to wind them down a bit and talk them into chilling.

When she’d go in and immediately tell them to calm down in her ASMR voice, they’d just get even angrier.

It’s a good insight into learning to manage someone’s emotions. Leaning into them a bit allows you to get some control of the situation in many cases.

The other trick, that works big time, is to smile and look happy to see people. You’d be amazed at how far this goes to score points right off the bat. It seems like such basic advice, but many people don’t do it. It’s page 1, line 1 from the charisma bible. 

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