Wednesday, July 03, 2024

What are some psychological facts about love?

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  1. It’s impossible to remain angry at someone you truly love.
  2. Anger lasting for more than 3 days indicates that you’re not in love.
  3. Holding your loved ones hand can help alleviate physical pain as well as stress and fear.
  4. When you really become close to someone, you can hear their voice in your head when you read their texts.
  5. Just looking at a picture of loved one can relieve pain.
  6. In love, women tend to prefer solving problems through emotions, while men through actions.
  7. Loving from a long distance actually strengthens a relationship.
  8. Sleeping next to someone you love helps you live longer, and makes you fall asleep faster.
  9. Cuddling releases natural painkillers in our body.
  10. Kissing for 90 seconds can increase blood pressure and heart rate so that it can increase hormone levels in the blood and prolong life for 1 minute.
  11. Engagement rings are worn on the fourth of left hand because the finger contains the vein Amoris (vein of love ) that runs straight to the heart.
  12. 64% of people change their looks after breakup.
  13. Breakup’s are more likely to happen in 3 to 5 months from the day they begin the relationship.
  14. When two people gaze at each other’s eyes, their heart rate synchronize.
  15. We can actually love two people at the same time, but never with the same intensity.
  16. Mentally, the worst feeling is feeling unwanted by the one person you want the most.
  17. That mood where everything irritates you indicates that you’re actually missing someone.
  18. The people who love others best are the people who love themselves first.

What is it like to live in Cuba?

Profile photo for Elena Gold

Life in Cuba is way worse than you probably thought after watching “Fast and Furious” movies.

Cuba has become a gigantic dumping ground. It’s full of abuse, misery, hunger, violence and other numerous achievements of Marxism that some maximalists in Europe and America dream about.

Many Cuban city streets look like a giant dumpster.

(Video in the comments below).

The recently built K23 hotel in Havana is towering over slumps, allowing to see all the destruction of the island from its heights.

The level of despair in Cuba is such that Russia is recruiting mercenaries there.

The influx of foreigners into the ranks of the Russian army increased after ‘Wagner’ was removed from the scene of the war in Ukraine, following Prigozhin’s mutiny in June 2023.

Mercenaries from Cuba, Nepal, Sierra Leone, and Somalia who fought for Russia have been captured by the Ukrainian army.

A captive from Cuba said that he agreed to fight in Ukraine because of the “big money” he was offered: 250,000 rubles per month (USD$2,500).

It’s actually more than the Russian contractors get paid.

Castro’s version of socialism has been imploding for decades. Cubans were led to believe that things would change and improve, but through decades of misery and repressions, Cubans had to settle for crumbs, waiting for a miracle.

In 1980s, the propaganda insisted that all Cuban products were “the best in the world.” The USSR was the mighty empire that would back Cuba up, no matter what, and “it would be just a matter of time until the communism arrives”.

When 1990s arrived, Cubans handed over their most precious relics, possessions and jewelry in exchange for a small check that allowed them to buy a color television or a fan with a light. Cubans handed in their treasures to be able to own a TV, which fed them more propaganda.

In 1991, the USSR collapsed and the Soviets left Cuba. But another benefactor arrived in no time: China brought its Haier refrigerators, along with pots and pans — the only problem here, not much food to cook and refrigerate. The hope for a miracle rejuvenated, maybe the Chinese would help to fix Cuba’s economic disaster?

When this didn’t eventuate either, Fidel Castro decided to allow private entrepreneurship, and people again had high hopes, began brainstorming ideas and business plans. Cubans began buying and selling stuff, investing, borrowing. Until the regime changed its mind and began taking away business licenses and banning whole sectors, like 3D cinemas, just like that. No apologies or compensations.

Then Obama became the president of the USA, and Cubans again began hoping that things would get better — that the Americans would finally "invade" Cuba with their yachts, cars, and cruise ships, leaving bigs tips and showering locals with cash. These hopes crashed as well.

Then Russia 2.0 arrived. And once again, Cubans were hoping that things would finally change, that this time they for sure would get out of poverty and misery. They were assured that this time there were real plans, projects and opportunities for everyone.

Cubans forgot that the former USSR had been investing in Cuba 4 billion dollars per year, for 30 years. Nothing changed before, so why would things be different this time?

Food shortages and energy blackouts are acute in Cuba. “No bread or milk, many kids don’t have breakfast, blackouts last 10+ hours per day.”

The Castro regime stripped people of their dignity and made them dependent on its injustices. The worse they are treated by the regime, the more they defend it, because they need these crumbs.

Socialism and communism are the cancer of the world. 

Rejoicing in the Blessings Given to Others

Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle
Readings for Today


“Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.” Thomas answered and said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” John 20:27–29

Thomas the Apostle, in many ways, represents each and every one of us in this exchange with Jesus. We’d like to believe that we always believe and are not unbelieving. But it’s important to admit the humble truth that we may not believe as deeply as we should. And it’s important to reflect upon our own reaction to the blessings that others receive that we do not.

Recall that Thomas was not among the other Apostles when Jesus first appeared to them. Therefore, when Thomas returned and heard that Jesus had appeared and that he missed His appearance, he clearly felt bad. Unfortunately, the sorrow Thomas felt at not being present when the Lord appeared to the others left him with a certain bitterness rather than joy. This is the sin of envy. Envy is a certain sorrow over the blessings others receive that we do not. Ideally, Thomas would have rejoiced at the blessing that the other Apostles received by encountering the risen Lord. But, instead, his sorrow at missing this even left him sad. He said, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nail marks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

Why was Thomas absent from this encounter with our Lord? Perhaps it was by divine providence, in that God wanted Thomas to set an example for us. If so, then one example Thomas set was that we must humbly rejoice in the blessings others receive when we are not also the recipient. Of course, if Thomas were there, then it would have been easier for him to share in the joy. But, in many ways, Thomas’ absence provided him an even greater opportunity. An opportunity that he failed to embrace.

When you see others receive blessings from God, how do you respond? Many people respond by immediately looking at themselves, wishing they were blessed in the same way. They struggle with envy. They think, “I wish I had received that blessing.” This form of envy is not always easy to see. For that reason, Thomas is given to us as a witness of what not to do in this situation.

Of course, Thomas is not a horrible person, which is why Jesus does later appear to him. That time, Thomas spoke words that are traditionally spoken as a devotion by the faithful at Mass when the Consecration occurs. He said, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus then gently rebukes Thomas by saying, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” But this gentle rebuke was an act of love, in that Jesus wanted Thomas to ponder the reason for his unbelief. Jesus clearly wanted Thomas to examine the unbelief caused by envy, which appears to have led to an intentional lack of faith.

Reflect, today, upon this holy Apostle. Today, Saint Thomas the Apostle is among the great saints in the Kingdom of Heaven. God used him to teach us these important lessons about envy, humility and faith. Let his weakness, from which he fully recovered, help you examine your own struggle with envy over the blessings that others receive that you do not. Learn to rejoice always in the ways that God is at work in our world and learn to grow in humility, so that when others are blessed in ways that you are not, you react as Saint Thomas ultimately did: “My Lord and my God!”

My most generous Lord, You pour forth Your blessings upon others, day and night. As I see those blessings, help me to overcome all temptations toward envy so that I may rejoice in Your grace given to all. You are my Lord and my God, and I thank You for every way that You bless my life and the lives of those around me. Fill me with a deeper gratitude, dear Lord, for every grace and blessing I see every day, especially those graces not given directly to me. Jesus, I trust in You.

What's the real "external threat" for the Philippines?

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When Marcos said “external threat,” I am sure he meant China, given what he's done since he took office. But put aside what he said, considering the security and interests of the Philippine people, where do external threats come from?

Filipino scholar Ricardo Saludo said that the strengthening of military cooperation between the U.S. and the Philippines, Marcos administration's pro-American policies pose a real threat.

In his new article in the Manila Times, Saludo pointed out that in 1975, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s father, then-president Ferdinand Marcos Sr. publicly expressed doubts about U.S. access to and use of Philippine military bases.

"If the purpose of American military bases is to strengthen American military posture in the Pacific, or in the Indian Ocean and throughout the world, does this not expose the Philippines to the animosities, suspicions and the conflicts arising out of the American military build-up — animosities and conflicts that we have no participation in making — and do not these bases endanger the safety of the Filipinos and the Philippines not only from conventional armed attack, but from possible nuclear attack?"

Apparently, Marcos ignored his father's warnings.

After Marcos took office, the Philippines opened four more military bases to the U.S.- bringing the number of US military bases permitted in the country to nine.

American generals and global security analysts believe the strategic conflict between China and the US over Taiwan could put the nine Philippine military bases and the troops and communities around them at great risk.

Saludo said that what triples the risk of widespread and possibly nuclear attack are two US strategies: Agile Combat Employment (ACE) and the plan to deploy missile batteries in the so-called "first island chain."

Washington think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published an article in December 2020, It said:

"US Indo-Pacific Command (IndoPacom) hopes to disperse US forces, including marine and army units, along the first island chain running from Japan through Southeast Asia. In a contingency, these small, mobile teams would support US air and naval operations and hold Chinese vessels at risk with ground-based missile units…

But the Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia that might realistically host such assets. So, these plans require saving the VFA (Visiting Forces Agreement) and implementing EDCA"

Quoted then Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's remark:

"Are you sure you want to get into a fight where you will be the battleground?"

What is the brutal truth about life after marriage?

  1. At some point you become aware that the person you married, can kill you in your sleep.
  2. You begin to discover certain truths about yourself, like how stupid you really are.
  3. Marriage is more challenging than business, more challenging than anything in the world.
  4. Your partner will usually say that you are what is wrong with the relationship. It is a brutal truth because it is true.
  5. Though marriage is hard there are some great perks, like sex
  6. Sometimes partners withhold sex from each other, this is foolish, but we do it anyway
  7. Marriage can be a place of abuse, a place you cannot escape
  8. Marriage can be heaven
  9. The two people involved decide where it shall go, they walk together as friends or enemies ever fluctuating as the years go on.
  10. You never really know what it means to love or to hate until you get married.
  11. Marriage tests you in every way, can you be patient, kind, long suffering. What can you forgive, can you hold no record of wrong. These are difficult tests
  12. Marriage sharpens you as an individual, if you let it, because it can also destroy you.
  13. Marriage should be entered into with much reverence, one of the most common ways to die is in marriage.
  14. You or your spouse will die one day, it is only really a matter of who is first and when it will happen, but it will happen. However, before that time, we can have the most beautiful life together.
  15. Marriage is like being a child, who has a best friend and with this friend you get to play games. We can play fun games, boring games and bad games, the choice is ours.
  16. How good your marriage is, depends on you.

At the end of his life, Steve jobs names 5 Undeniable truths:

  1. Don't educate your children to be rich, educate them to be happy.

So when they grow up, they will know the value of things and not the price.

2. Eat your food as your medicine, otherwise, you have to eat medicine as your food.

3. The six best doctors in the world are:

  • Sunlight
  • Rest
  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Self-confidence
  • And Friends

Maintain them in all stages and enjoy a healthy life.

4. If you just want to walk fast, walk alone, but if you want to walk far, walk together.

5. The ones who love you will never leave you. Even if there are 100 reasons to give up, they will find one reason to hold on.

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