Saturday, July 27, 2024

What are the reasons for people using public transportation instead of private vehicles in a city?

Profile photo for Arkaneh Urairat

How long does it take to drive for 3 Km from **Singapore’s Tanglin Mall to Rendezvous Hotel?-10 minutes.

It’s an equal distance from ‘Times Square’ to the ‘Guggenheim Museum’ which is 2.8 Km long and requires only 10–12 min to drive.

In Bangkok, according to Google Maps, It requires 9–15 minutes on a normal day. to drive from “The Emporium mall to ‘Central Embassy Mall’ about 2.9 Km as well.

Would you fall off the chair if you know it takes 2 hours 15 minutes during rush hour to brave the streets of Bangkok, —The world’s worst traffic city since the world began.

With a BTS Sky Train, (Mass rapid transit) it takes 11 minutes.

**Do you have a better reason for people in Bangkok NOT to use public transport instead of private vehicles in a city?**

Be my guest, welcome to Bangkok and drive your Jag F-Type or BMW X-7 and speed to your heart’s content-

I bet you could go faster than 25 km/hr (15 m/hr) on a clear day! 

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