Saturday, July 27, 2024

Do white women find Asian men attractive?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

A photo recently caught my attention. It shows a group of Filipino immigrants to America, many of them with white wives. I don’t think these women were suffering from a lack of attraction towards Asian men. Of course, the local white population wasn’t too pleased — there were riots, and many of these couples would be harrassed, the men beaten…

An attractive man is, as a rule, attractive. An unattractive man is not. Race barely comes into play for most of us. Of course we tend to gravitate towards those who look similar to us — this is only natural. But throughout history, it has to be remembered, attraction was also closely guarded. Black men getting white women was discouraged heavily; the men were portrayed as oversexualized and animalistic. Asian men, on the other hand, received a different treatment… they were desexualized. Turned into this “nerdy” stereotype.

The man above is Toshiro Mifune. He was a WWII veteran of the Japanese army, and he played many badass samurai roles. He was as macho as they come, a well-muscled, well-built man with a powerful voice and a ton of charisma. He’s a far cry from the bespectacled unassertive math-lover who can’t get a date stereotype we’ve been bombarded with in TV shows for decades.

I think Asian men have become sexless creatures in much of the West not because they lack sex appeal, but because a lack of sex appeal was forced onto them. Asian dudes already out-earn white dudes in many areas — the West can’t have them be sexy, too.

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