Thursday, July 11, 2024

What is the reason for the high number of Filipino maids in Singapore?


Not only Singapore, but to anywhere around the world that required a house helper with an extensive knowledge about housekeeping.

Singapore, (and HongKong as well) offers a labor wage much higher than the Middle East and the reputation of majority of Singaporean employers isn't as scary as those from the Middle East/ Arab countries. And the culture and the environment isn't so much far from their home country. The Philippines shares similarities with Singapore regarding cultural background and values.

Filipino maids easily integrate into Singaporean households, adapting to the local customs and traditions smoothly, which helps to foster a harmonious working relationship. Many Filipino maids already possess relevant skills and experience in domestic work before arriving in Singapore. They are trained in various household chores, including cooking, cleaning, childcare, and elderly care, providing employers with competent and capable assistance. And they can communicate well with their employers.

Obviously just enough for an able housekeeper to choose Singapore, I mean, who wouldn’t?

Maid, for example, are allowed a 1-day day-off every week, whereas in the Middle East, you have to endure working 16-hours a day everyday with no day-off.

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