Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What are the reasons for immigration and why do people leave their home countries instead of staying and making a difference?


Migrating to another country basically boils down to two things. Money and quality of life. Coming from the Philippines, we are among the top known countries who love to migrate. With the state of our country, ever developing never seem to be improving, most people would rather just go somewhere where they can have a better life. This is a bit cliche and common knowledge.

I've met a few people who migrated to lesser developed countries like my former boss who was a French guy. He met his wife in Indonesia and decided to stay in Singapore with her. But eventually last I heard, they are happily living in Indonesia. Sometimes it's not about the money or even the quality of life either, sometimes you just meet someone and you decide to live with them in the country they are more comfortable with.

If you go to Youtube and search for people who migrate to other countries, their other reasons maybe that they are happier living in a less developed country but has a better climate, people and overall easier and more freedom to live in. You can see tons of Youtubers (mostly Westerners) who chose to live in the Philippines or Thailand. Most of their reasons are it's cheaper, their money can stretch better, simpler lives, more accommodating people and they just love the tropical life.

As for making a difference, not everyone has this kind of mindset. Admittedly and especially if you see that your country is going nowhere you may feel that you can't contribute much anyway if the majority isn't willing to unite and help the country. Again, I will cite my country as an example. Most Filipinos would only rant and comment on social media how bad life is, but what do they actually do during elections? The time when they can make the most difference, they still vote for a corrupt but popular leader. Popular only because they are previous celebrities or rich oligarchs. So a lot of people, seeing this, lose hope. It's like trying to build sand castles but others don't care and will just kick it down or let it wash away. It's futile mostly.

OP: What are the reasons for immigration and why do people leave their home countries instead of staying and making a difference?

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