Monday, July 15, 2024

Catacombs of Paris

I think Bermuda triangle or home alone well jokes apart. I think Catacombs of Paris is the worst place to be stranded alone.

Beneath this bustling European city of 12 million people, lies a dark subterranean world holding the remains of 6 million of its former inhabitants.

The Paris Catacombs is a network of old caves, quarries and tunnels stretching hundreds of miles, and seemingly lined with the bones of the dead.

The bones of exhumed bodies were stacked neatly in various rooms creating kilometres of walls composed entirely of human remains.

Paris Catacombs are open to the general public today, access is limited to only a small fraction of the network. It has been illegal since 1955 to enter the other parts of the catacombs.

The tour of the catacombs is deep underground. The walking route is about 2km, about 1.25 miles and the average independent visit takes around 45 minutes.

While wandering you will find the winding tunnels lined with the incredible collections of stacked bones and skulls.

There are no toilets in that place. Just imagine you are left alone in that place, oh sorry not alone with skulls of 6 million people especially in the night time.

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