Friday, July 26, 2024

As a Filipino, what disgusts you about the Filipino society?

Icon for Everything FILIPINO!

Mendicancy. This is one that always stands out for me. It is broad and damaging to society.

I’ve already written quite a few about this topic especially pertaining to OFW families. But one other related disgusting aspect of this is money borrowing.

Some people who borrow money, think they don’t need to pay back just because the person who lent the money is more well off than them. These people think they have ‘rights’ to other people’s money just because they are poorer.

If you lend money to five Filipinos, not even half would have the decency to pay you back properly. You even have to beg and most of them would have the temerity to get angry at you for being ‘impatient’ asking your money back even if you’ve given them loads of time and consideration.

I truly understand the poverty and lack of finances of most Filipinos. But if you just see them whiling their time doing Tiktok or buying ‘luxury’ stuff instead of working their asses off and finding ways to earn money, you get the broader picture why this is a big headache and major frustration for most.

Go to Facebook and see your friends walls, most of them you would see griping on posts about how a lot of people aren’t paying them back for money owed them, yet those same people who borrow money are splurging on a new phone or vacation. We call those people ‘thick faced’ (makakapal ang mukha).

Funny thing is that those same ‘borrowing abusers’ would have the gall to post in their walls and say ‘I don’t care what other people think about me..’ as if they have the moral high ground with their actions and behavior.

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