Saturday, July 20, 2024

If the Philippines is the cheapest greatest paradise in the world, why do 5,000 Filipinos leave every day?

Profile photo for H.Pinker

Because it’s obviously not. Most foreign expats are lured there by false promises, not opportunity. It’s next to impossible for a foreigner to find a job in the Philippines. The only jobs available to foreigners are jobs that few Filipinos can do. Otherwise it’s illegal to work there. All of the common jobs are reserved for Filipinos and even then they pay very little.

Yet we employ millions of Filipinos in our home countries and pay them well.

Spain and the EU pays them similarly well.

Yet in the Philippines abandonment is commonplace and if you don’t bring your own money with you, you’re as good as dead. Either you’ll end up dying from a serious illness or be left to rot on some street corner (unless some charity worker or YouTube personality takes pity on you)

No one is going to give a foreigner a job or social welfare. Of course these struggles are not just confined to foreigners and that’s why reason for the never ending exodus of locals.

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