Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Is there a possibility of Europeans becoming a minority in Europe in the future?

Rogier Stomp

In Dutch cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague native Dutch Europeans are about to become a minority. Rotterdam had in 2013 40% of its inhabitants having a non western migrant background. Yet in a provincial city like the one I live Dutch people remain by far the majority!

Migrants and asylum seekers coming to Europe prefer to go where there are already many people from the same country of origin preferably where there is already family. Also these cities profide more and better career chances.

An Afghan family on their way to Europe in the end want to live where there are already Afghans and mosques and not in a village where are only few foreigners and no mosque.

So it seems that in big cities Europeans will become a minority but in provincial cities and villages Europeans will remain the majority.

The darkest red are the most densed urban cities which might all have a non european majority before 2100 yet the greener and yellow areas will most likely remain majority european native dutch. I think in countries like Germany, Belgium and France the situation will be similar.

Actually I just found this online about London:

Ethnic diversity

London is significantly more diverse than England as a whole. 46% of Londoners are Black and Minority Ethnic, compared to 14% of England as a whole. West London has the highest proportion (53%) of its population that are Black and Minority Ethnic, followed by East London (50%). South London has the smallest proportion of people from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds (36%).

41% of Londoners were born outside of the UK, compared to 13% of people in the rest of England. West London has the highest proportion - with 47% of residents not born in the UK, followed by Central London (44%).

Photo: Muslim women held hands in silence to remember victims of the terror attack in Westminster (Reuters)

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