Saturday, July 20, 2024

Which celebrities have crazy conspiracy theories surrounding them?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

The one I always see floating around is about Jamie Lee Curtis being born a hermaphrodite. People share this constantly. How she was born with both male and female genitals and how her parents had to “pick a gender” and decided to go with female…

Literally the only reason people say it? She looks kinda “mannish” in the face. That’s it. That’s all. And they really get worked up when you question the theory. “But, her children are both adopted!” they will say. So what? Plenty of ‘normal’ women struggle with fertility issues. It’s no joking matter. Just because a woman adopted her children doesn’t make her a hermaphrodite. That’s insane reasoning. Why, she’s not a “real woman” because she couldn’t give birth? Preposterous.

The Jamie Lee Curtis is a hermaphrodite theory is the craziest I have heard about celebrities. It’s also incredibly insensitive to other women with adopted children. Not to mention absurd because the lady is 65 years old and neither her nor anyone in her close family circle has ever made mention of this and yet the internet experts are 100% convinced. 

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