Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Is it true that foreigners can easily adapt to life in Manila while many Filipinos struggle to live there?

Profile photo for Tony Christian Ratcliffe

It’s very hard for foreigners to work in the Philippines, they cannot work in law, health, government or police roles and in the areas where they may be permitted to work they have to offer something that cannot be sourced locally. There are a few exceptions like the embassies and other special exceptions like the Asian development bank but that’s about it. This means that most Foreigners living in Manila tend to be in highly paid jobs and assigned to the county or come in with money made outside the Philippines or have retired to the Philippines.

Manila is not as expensive to live as somewhere like Singapore but it’s not cheap either. As an average basic wage in the Philippines is only around $3-400 USD per month and a middle management role pays approximately $800 USD per month you can see the challenges for locals. Those living in Manila doing basic jobs live in places like this. I doubt foreigners could do the same, but they generally wouldn’t need to. I certainly couldn’t live on 500 pesos per day but many locals do.

These dwellings are unsafe and prone to fire as well as natural disasters like floods and typhoons. The close proximity to others and poor cleanliness means that diseases like TB are easily spread.

squatters like the ones here also work in Manila doing the low paid work essential to keep the city functioning.

People fight to stay in Manila slums
Filipinos flock to their capital to seek fortune but often end up in the city’s many slums, now at risk of eviction.


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