Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Did Elvis Presley exercise?

Profile photo for Jeff Schrembs

No, not in the sense that he ran miles or lifting weights but he was very active up until 1976 - 1977.

In Elvis’ early career, and as a teenager, Elvis had a great metabolism. He could eat 3 cheeseburgers, 3 large fries, 2 Pepsi sodas (why Pepsi you ask? Well, Pepsi was 1/2 the price of a Coke, and each bottle held twice as much soda as coke at that time - but Elvis preferred Coke and had a machine installed at Graceland and it was always filled with ice cold Cokes), a milkshake, and a piece of pie with ice cream in one setting. In the early morning hours, as Elvis had insomnia and his days and nights were flipped, he would go to the local donut shop when their red light was on saying the donuts were hot and fresh and buy a dozen donuts and wash it down with 3 bottles of milk with heavy cream. And yet Elvis did not gain weight as normal people do.

Onstage, Elvis would give his all. During his stint in Las Vegas in 1969 and the early 1970s Elvis would lose between 5 and 10 pounds as he was always moving and the suits he wore were heavy and not lined with comfortable materials in fact they came from LA Leather and the inside of his suits were untreated leather meaning it was not smooth and it would cause skin contact that made the body itch.

In 1955, 1956, and 1957 Elvis toured and performed on various entertainment programs. He had never-ending energy and he gave it his all. Elvis was always in motion.

What Elvis did do, over his adult life included but was not limited to; riding horses, doing karate, roller skating, playing football, resistance training to be limber before concerts, swimming, some stretching, roughhousing with members of his inner circle, driving golf carts at high speeds, and would move around unlike anyone before or since…onstage.

At Graceland, the home he purchased in 1957, Elvis had full-time cooks

* Nancy Rooks cook at Graceland who would make him anything he wanted at any time. The refrigerator, freezer, and pantry were always full of foods Elvis loved. If I had that available to me I would weigh 700 pounds within a month.

Elvis had Mountain Valley Spring Water, in the 60s and 70s, readily available for him every place he traveled. He would consume 4–9 bottles at a time and during his two, or three, shows in Las Vegas he could go through 12 - 17 bottles.

Elvis was not an alcoholic drinker BUT he would sip on a peach brandy ever so often. Elvis grew up in bitter poverty. He saw men that drank and drank and drank destroying their lives and their families. Elvis saw relying on alcohol and being abusive. Hence, Elvis was adamant against being a heavy drinker.

Members of the Memphis mafia, Elvis’ inner circle, and those who played full-contact football

with him and/or karate

said that Elvis was incredibly strong. He used his leverage to the max, Elvis’ legs were like vices. Elvis was not considered a muscular person but he could use his strength, and energy, to excel other than in his later years sadly.

Thank you Quora.

Take care

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