Wednesday, October 02, 2024

What happens if someone gets vaccinated many times with the COVID-19 vaccine?

Icon for Choice not Coercion

Intro: Some of us have regarded this intuitively. Not on anyone’s word. And not had a single jab. It’s been more than just the over-eager BS rationalisations coming from our governments’ perfectly rehearsed panic campaigns and harmonised lines of command. Instincts have proven right. Healthy disrespect for authority? Check. Transmission? Protection? Indeed, little was “normal” with this leaky, emergency-use-authorised mRNA technology boondoggle bonanza.

Foreknowledge: Distrust from the start yielded a whole lot of clarity. Familiar with the CEO mindset in these converging, atomised global times? The spectrum? If there’s been a revolution in honesty and human nature some of us missed the memo. Temptation is as irresistable as ever. Especially if consequences are plausibly avoidable, and making obscene wealth for shareholders beats common morality. “I am my brother’s keeper”? You think? Stepping up to the plate, the smiling liar takes all. Nonchalant, removed, cool. Like a cucumber.

Risk: As with concerns about taking too many nasal sprays over the years for curiously ever more common allergies, the latent naturalist in YOU might be inclined to think poking around with the delicate ecosystem of one’s natural immune system over and over again might just screw it up. Permanently. And betting on liability-free big pharma’s assurances to the contrary isn’t exactly the intelligent side of moral hazard.

Conclusion: Keeping it light, the most certain thing about getting mRNA vaxxed many times is the reward of free pizza. Come on, that’s funny and deserves an upvote!

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