Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Truth About Nail Stripes:


Hello, dear readers! In this article, you will learn how to interpret the appearance of stripes on the nails, and what doctors think about this.

I think almost every person has experienced a situation where some stripes appear on their nails, be they horizontal or vertical.

For some people, this goes away on its own and the stripes disappear, while for others, they will appear from time to time. There are also those who can't remember ever having nails without stripes or designs.

  1. It is important to note that this article does not provide diagnoses or claim that a person may have any health problems. 
  2. The article is based on research findings, doctors' opinions and provides information for informational purposes only! 
  4. Any questions related to health and changes to diet should be discussed only with a doctor at a personal appointment! 

Doctors say that no change in the body happens without a reason. Our body always sends us signals indicating the possible presence of problems.

For example, stripes on nails are a kind of signal that requires attention to a certain part of the body or organ system, and this is not as simple as it seems.

We often mistakenly believe that stripes on nails appear due to mechanical damage, lack of certain vitamins or nutrients. Of course, this may be true, but not always

Medical circles claim that external stripes on nails may indicate possible serious diseases and deviations from the norm, which makes the fair sex strive to avoid this disease. After all, for many women, an ideal manicure and flawless nails play a significant role in maintaining their image.

Everyone wants to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon of stripes on the nails, but first of all it is important to find out the reasons for their appearance. Therefore, I suggest considering the possible reasons for the appearance of stripes on the nails, and then read the opinion of doctors on this matter.

Additional sources of information used to write the article will be indicated in the pinned comment. [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]

White horizontal lines

White lines on nails can be thin or wide, appear on one or several nails, and also occupy almost the entire surface of the nail.

Doctors note that if a person has recently suffered from a severe infectious disease with a high temperature and acute symptoms, such as the flu, then such stripes may appear even several months after recovery.

In their opinion, this happens because the body directs all its energy to fighting the disease, and the health of the nails is given secondary attention.

According to experts, the good news in this situation is that there is no need for medical procedures. All that is needed is to fully recover, gain strength, and the troubles will go away on their own.

They also add that similar manifestations in the form of white horizontal lines can be caused not only by the flu, but also by other diseases.


Psoriasis is an unpleasant skin condition that doctors consider incurable. However, they believe that its symptoms can be alleviated.

This disease can damage not only the skin but also the nails. The main symptoms include severe itching and pain. People suffering from this disease need to carefully monitor their diet.

Doctors say that the diet should include fresh natural products and, if possible, raw ones. This means eating fresh vegetables and fruits, while thermally processed dishes and products should not occupy the first place in the diet.

The medical community also emphasizes the importance of eliminating sugar-containing foods, fatty foods, fast foods and refined flour from the diet.

Doctors' experience shows that patients suffering from this disease are ready to limit their diet as much as possible, just to get rid of the unbearable pain and itching that interfere with normal sleep and seriously worsen their quality of life.

Circulatory disorders

According to medical experts, a possible manifestation of circulatory problems is the appearance of white stripes on the nails.

For example, if a person experiences heaviness in the legs, especially towards the end of the day, or signs of varicose veins and the appearance of spider veins, then there is probably a disturbance in blood flow in the extremities.

Physical activity

Doctors say that to improve blood circulation it is necessary to increase physical activity, preferably walking, jogging, swimming in the pool and playing sports.

It is important to avoid prolonged rest. If working conditions force you to spend many hours at the computer in the same position, there is always a way out. At least once every half hour you need to get up and walk around the building, stretch.

Finally, you can do some basic exercises at your workplace. And if you have some free time, you can start your morning with a jog in the fresh air. This will help you prepare for the work day, speed up your metabolism, improve your blood circulation, and tone up your body.

Contrast shower

Doctors claim that a contrast shower is also a great way to harden the body and improve blood circulation. In their opinion, this procedure charges with energy, adds vitality and promotes overall health.

They advise starting with a gradual change in water temperature, starting with cool and gradually moving to slightly hotter.

Over time, you may notice that after several sessions it is pleasant to change cold water to hot and back. The sensations after such a shower are priceless and indescribable.

According to doctors, diet also affects blood flow. That's why they often recommend adding more red foods to your diet, such as tomatoes, berries, and peppers, to provide your body with the nutrients it needs.

It is important to ensure that the diet is healthy, balanced and varied. It is worth noting that trans fats present in fast food and industrial sauces have a negative effect on the body and the cardiovascular system, increasing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and contributing to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, which increases the risk of serious diseases such as heart attack and stroke.


Massage is an effective method of improving blood circulation in the body. Insufficient blood circulation negatively affects the general condition and performance of a person.

Insufficient nutrition and oxygen to the brain lead to a decrease in cognitive functions, make it difficult to absorb and remember information, and also cause a feeling of absent-mindedness and detachment from business matters. Thus, the use of massage is an effective way to stimulate blood circulation and improve the general condition of the body.

Zinc deficiency

Doctors say that the appearance of stripes on the nails can also be caused by a lack of a mineral substance - zinc. This element plays an important role in maintaining the health of nails and hair.

If zinc deficiency is confirmed, the situation can be corrected by increasing the consumption of foods rich in this mineral, such as cocoa, meat, peanuts, sesame, oysters, butter, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds and dried watermelon seeds. This information has been confirmed by doctors.

A zinc deficiency can cause sleep problems, loss of appetite, increased hair loss, depressed mood, and difficulty healing wounds and scratches. Zinc deficiency can also lead to poor night vision and poor skin, hair, and nail health.

Aging of the body

The appearance of white vertical stripes on the nails is often associated with the aging process of the body. However, the body can be maintained in good condition with the help of proper nutrition.

It is important to include foods rich in antioxidants in your diet to fight free radicals, the cause of premature aging.

Antioxidants also help to effectively remove toxins, which has a positive effect on nail health. A proper diet undoubtedly has a positive effect, helping to prevent the destruction of the nail plates and improving their nutrition.

Additionally, doctors believe that foods high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids can help fight inflammation in the body and promote cellular rejuvenation.

Some of the foods that have been shown to promote rejuvenation, according to research, include garlic, onions, cocoa, grapes, tomatoes, avocados, broccoli, lemons, green tea, turmeric, apples, nuts and peppers.

B12 deficiency

Doctors also point out the possible negative consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body. Insufficient amounts of this vitamin can manifest themselves in the form of stripes on the nails, and also lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Signs of vitamin B12 deficiency can be varied, including numbness in the lower extremities and serious neuropsychiatric and neurological consequences. It is especially important to monitor levels and absorption of this vitamin in the diet of vegetarians and dieters, as they are at particular risk of deficiency.

Doctors emphasize that vitamin deficiency may be due to improper absorption due to a meatless diet or due to inflammatory processes in the intestines. Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of this problem.

If the vitamin is not absorbed sufficiently, it is necessary to determine the cause as soon as possible, since anemia manifests itself through poor health, dizziness, weakness and lethargy. In addition, anemia can proceed hidden, and even if a person feels normal, organs and tissues experience a lack of oxygen along with blood.

The diet for iron deficiency anemia usually consists of eating foods rich in iron.

Among such products, we can highlight meat, seafood, eggs, seaweed, algae and dairy products. These products help to replenish the iron deficiency in the body and help to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Magnesium deficiency

One of the possible reasons for the appearance of stripes on the nails may be a lack of magnesium in the body.

A deficiency of this important microelement can manifest itself not only in the form of stripes on the nails, but also be accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, constant irritability, fatigue, drowsiness, and a feeling of a lump in the throat.

A person may even feel a lack of air, and at the same time, the heartbeat quickens, and cramps and spasms occur.

Doctors say that to compensate for magnesium deficiency, you should eat green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, arugula, as well as avocados, nuts, cocoa powder and fatty fish in reasonable amounts.

Doctors' conclusions

To sum up, doctors say that if a person takes care of his health, watches what he eats, pays attention to physical activity, and has not experienced injuries or other damage to the nails, but suddenly notices the appearance of white stripes on them, then it is best to seek qualified help from a specialist to find out the exact causes of this phenomenon.

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Additional sources of information used to write the article:

  1. [1] stripes on the nails - Search Results - PubMed 
  2. [2] Nail problems - Search Results - PubMed 
  3. [3] diseases and nails - Search Results - PubMed 
  4. [4] vitamin deficiency and nails - Search Results - PubMed 
  5. [5] Nails have white stripes - Search Results - PubMed 
  6. [6] deficiency of essential vitamins consequences - Search Results - PubMed 

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