Sunday, October 06, 2024

What are some interesting/weird/superstitious things about the Philippines that only Filipinos would understand or notice?

Profile photo for Flor Roma

I have a bundle of those weird, or interesting superstitious beliefs that only we Filipinos would understand.


  1. If a brown butterfly sneaks into the house, it’s an omen that a relative has died. (This is true and had happened to me and to the family several times).
  2. Dogs howling in the neighborhood in the middle of the night means a neighbor is going to die. (I can attest to this that it is 95% true.)
  3. Black cat that crosses your path is a harbinger of bad news. (I don’t know. I. not a cat person.)
  4. If you bite your tongue, someone is talking about you. (It happens to me most of the time. So, so much could be gossiped about me after all.)
  5. At twelve midnight, look at yourself in a full length mirror with a lighted candle and the face of your future husband would appear. (I could never bring myself to do this. No wonder until now I’m husbandless.)
  6. When you are in the process of constructing your house, and the soil is being dug up, throw coins into the soil so your house would have positive atmosphere and abundance. (My parents did this. Well, I’ve got plenty of coins in my little basket till now.)
  7. Before living in an apartment or a house, bring in salt and rice first and sprinkle holy water around to cast out bad spirits. (Yes, this is automatic in us. I did this as I moved around in Europe, in flats or lofts. Ergo, no demons dared to show up.)
  8. Conduct “house blessing” as soon as your house is ready for occupancy. This is supposed to be the pinnacle of your success. Prepare some food for your guests. This is to initiate easy and positive vibes and bounty and affluence. (Most Filipinos observe this. I did. Maybe the reason behind this is to establish camaraderie and hospitality and thanksgiving).

There are a handful more beliefs and weird practices we Filipinos observe, but at this moment the above would do.

Do you have the same ? 

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