Saturday, October 12, 2024

What happens in my body if I totally cut sugar from my diet?


If you totally cut sugar from your body…

I can only speak from my experience

  1. Initially it was challenging as I had developed many ‘addictions’ to sugar. (soda, candy, adding to coffee) Breaking the addiction part was tough as my brain was very used to getting this amount of sugar.
  2. In due time, the brain got used to it and I could notice some physical changes. I enjoyed tasting good, plain nutritious food, I enjoyed the feeling after eating good food, and my overall energy increased in spite of lowering sugar.
  3. I then, by default, learned about carbohydrates, fat, and protein and started experimenting with eating plans that were practical for me and easy to sustain.
  4. I got used to feeling good about eating good food, then starting going overboard with exercise, then eventually came back to normal with occasional sugar eats, eventually finding the balance point and then intuitively knowing how to eat to sustain the weight that works for me. When I do slip out of that weight an alarm goes off and then I go a little stricter and keep doing this in a very low stress way.
  5. Then you notice how hard the junk food people have to throw sugar at us to get us hooked and keep us hooked until we have way too many sick people out there based on sugar addiction. As a physician I see this effect every day and am doing my best to help people eat in a way that decreases the odds of getting sick due to eating.
  6. If you are wanting to do this, be patient, learn about how the brain and sugar interact and stick with it. It works wonders when you find the system that works for you.

Your friend in health,


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