This is probably kind of toxic, but I compare myself to those I see “below” me. Not below me in the sense that I consider myself intrinsically more valuable to life, necessarily, but in the sense that I have accomplished or achieved more. Or, failing that, I compare my physical attributes, looks and appearance to others and find some self-worth through that.
I’d tell myself: “Sure, you’re nowhere near as rich as Jeff Bezos, man, but at least you’re taller and more handsome than he is…” Stuff like that. Or I’d have a shower and I would look at my naked reflection in the life-sized mirror and say: “Sure you’re not some billionaire philantropist or a famous published author, but you’ve got a pretty big dick bro.” And I’d kind of, mentally high-five myself. Because, I do.
Stupid stuff like that. I see someone driving a really nice car but, judging by his scrawny forearms, I’d probably crush the fellow in armwrestling. I keep myself fit. Do my 500 push-ups a day. Watch my diet. Count my lucky stars for my thick head of hair… and I tell myself things like: “If there was some apocalyptic event tomorrow, I’d probably do pretty well, I am in shape and I know how to catch and gut a fish and start a fire. I’m relatively close to a major ocean, too…”
I don’t really have negative inner dialogue — I quite like myself. Yes, I’m not rich by any measure. I don’t own a nice car or a big house and my clothing mostly consists of non-brand stuff. But I look good, am healthy, have children who love me and loving parents and siblings. I’m blessed. Why would I allow negative thoughts into my head? What a waste.
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