I'm a healthy man in his 60’s. I've never smoked and drink moderately. I have a slight tendency to over eat but I'm not fat.
What I do almost every day, and have done all my life, is exercise hard. I'm not a natural athlete and avoided sport at school, but I learned that in order to live the healthy life I wanted, I had to get over my natural sloth.
So for decades I ran daily, year in, year out, come rain or shine. I did a few marathons (but more to be able to say I had done so than because they were fun. Btw, they weren't).
Then in my 50’s I started getting injuries so I switched to rowing. I now row 22 times a month for 30 mins each session. I look on it as a brief and not very pleasant duty in order to stay strong and slim at a time when many of my friends are having medical issues, getting a paunch and even a stoop.
I’ve had check-ups with the doctor. According to a recent ECG over a 24 hour period, my resting pulse is 38, which he seemed very happy with. I have no health problems so I take no medication.
I know hard exercise is unpleasant. No one enjoys a serious Concept 2 workout. But I LOVE the benefits. It shouldn't matter what hard exercise you do, but in my experience doing something physically demanding very regularly over years is a pretty good way of staying healthy for life.
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