Wednesday, July 03, 2024

What are some psychological facts about love?

Icon for Spring knowledge
  1. It’s impossible to remain angry at someone you truly love.
  2. Anger lasting for more than 3 days indicates that you’re not in love.
  3. Holding your loved ones hand can help alleviate physical pain as well as stress and fear.
  4. When you really become close to someone, you can hear their voice in your head when you read their texts.
  5. Just looking at a picture of loved one can relieve pain.
  6. In love, women tend to prefer solving problems through emotions, while men through actions.
  7. Loving from a long distance actually strengthens a relationship.
  8. Sleeping next to someone you love helps you live longer, and makes you fall asleep faster.
  9. Cuddling releases natural painkillers in our body.
  10. Kissing for 90 seconds can increase blood pressure and heart rate so that it can increase hormone levels in the blood and prolong life for 1 minute.
  11. Engagement rings are worn on the fourth of left hand because the finger contains the vein Amoris (vein of love ) that runs straight to the heart.
  12. 64% of people change their looks after breakup.
  13. Breakup’s are more likely to happen in 3 to 5 months from the day they begin the relationship.
  14. When two people gaze at each other’s eyes, their heart rate synchronize.
  15. We can actually love two people at the same time, but never with the same intensity.
  16. Mentally, the worst feeling is feeling unwanted by the one person you want the most.
  17. That mood where everything irritates you indicates that you’re actually missing someone.
  18. The people who love others best are the people who love themselves first.

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