Wednesday, July 03, 2024

What is the brutal truth about life after marriage?

  1. At some point you become aware that the person you married, can kill you in your sleep.
  2. You begin to discover certain truths about yourself, like how stupid you really are.
  3. Marriage is more challenging than business, more challenging than anything in the world.
  4. Your partner will usually say that you are what is wrong with the relationship. It is a brutal truth because it is true.
  5. Though marriage is hard there are some great perks, like sex
  6. Sometimes partners withhold sex from each other, this is foolish, but we do it anyway
  7. Marriage can be a place of abuse, a place you cannot escape
  8. Marriage can be heaven
  9. The two people involved decide where it shall go, they walk together as friends or enemies ever fluctuating as the years go on.
  10. You never really know what it means to love or to hate until you get married.
  11. Marriage tests you in every way, can you be patient, kind, long suffering. What can you forgive, can you hold no record of wrong. These are difficult tests
  12. Marriage sharpens you as an individual, if you let it, because it can also destroy you.
  13. Marriage should be entered into with much reverence, one of the most common ways to die is in marriage.
  14. You or your spouse will die one day, it is only really a matter of who is first and when it will happen, but it will happen. However, before that time, we can have the most beautiful life together.
  15. Marriage is like being a child, who has a best friend and with this friend you get to play games. We can play fun games, boring games and bad games, the choice is ours.
  16. How good your marriage is, depends on you.

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