Tuesday, July 02, 2024

What is your stand of the West Philippine Sea?


Time will tell

Stand for who is right who is wrong? I am not Chinese nor Philipine so I have no stand.

But as a person with Brain I know each other side claim, the chinese claimed can trace back 1930’s while philipine independence declaration does not put any of south china sea as their teritory.

used your brain objectively who has more fact ground based claim? But I know it’s politic every white can turn black. So if you stand with Philipine for this, that is not a problem. I can understand you, it’s politic.

But one fact that elude the philipine government in 2024 is that so many country claim overalapped in SCS, only Philipine bring their ship to breach the Island that China claim not even previous president did that. In fact previous president of Philipine has agreement with China how to conduct peaceful in SCS. So used your logic, what is going on?

Every one with a brain know there is an alpha of evil alliance that want to disrupt peace in the SCS. everyone can see it, from Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam. so if you stand with Philipine knowing this, you are just a slave of evil alliance that want to destroy the world in the name of UNCLOS.

The map claimed by contestant country SCS issue flare up by the USA.

the latest is treaty of paris 1898 which is the baseline of Philipine Indepence.

China dash line was Inherited from ROC government which inherited Qing Dynasty.

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