Thursday, August 01, 2024

Is Shanghai beautiful?


Yes. In many ways.

I used to live there, and I miss it very much. “Beauty” is more than just looks. Especially in Shanghai. Shanghai’s character is so magic, I fell for it during a BBC documentary on the Japanese occupation in 1937 while I still lived in England.

What I saw in terms of city scape and atmosphere in these old pictures was enough for me to decide that Shanghai was a place of such appeal, I absolutely had to experience it.

Years later, I got my chance, and landed an expat contract with a French employer, spending three years in Shanghai.

The city is immensely impressive and has a feel to it like I have never, ever experienced anywhere else. London, Buenos Aires, and Marseille come together in something of its own. It’s a place that will change your standards. Ever since living in Shanghai, it has become my landmark for emotional appeal in a place. Wherever I go, I ask myself now “does this place do for me what Shanghai did for me?”

It probably can’t be explained rationally. The place simply radiates with an intense, highly special vibe that speaks of mellowness, world-openness, humour, wit, style, success, and pleasure. It’s a city that winks at you, and you will be touched by it, because it is good company.

Here, try some images. Maybe they explain it:


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