Thursday, August 01, 2024

Why Do You Feel Dizzy When You Stand Up Suddenly?

Have you ever experienced feeling dizzy after sitting and then suddenly standing up, causing you to need support or sit back down? If yes, know that this is a common issue known as orthostatic hypotension in medical terms.

This occurs when there is a sudden drop in blood pressure after standing up quickly.

When someone stands up after sitting for a while, blood naturally moves towards the legs, causing a drop in blood pressure. The body then has to work hard to return the blood to the heart.

Often, this results in dizziness, blurred vision, and confusion. In severe cases, people might even faint.

However, everything usually returns to normal within a few moments or seconds as blood circulation stabilizes.


Dehydration: Most people experience this issue when they are dehydrated. When you are dehydrated, it becomes difficult for your body to control blood pressure, leading to dizziness when standing up.

Standing Up Too Quickly: Blood pressure changes according to body position to maintain balance. When the body gets accustomed to a specific position and it is suddenly changed, it shocks the system and temporarily deprives the brain of blood.

Heart Diseases and Other Illnesses: Since this issue is related to blood pressure, it is common in patients with heart diseases. Additionally, individuals with thyroid disorders, diabetes, and anemia also experience this problem more frequently.


To prevent this, stand up slowly. Avoid sitting with your legs crossed for too long and keep moving your legs to maintain blood flow. If you frequently feel dizzy when standing up, consult a doctor to determine the cause and get appropriate treatment. 

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