Thursday, August 08, 2024

Why are Filipinos fond of eating pork a lot?

Profile photo for Ghemma Marie

I’m not so much into meat, but every time I got invited to dinner, or fiesta and gathering, celebration and occasion, you can see a 4 or five different pork recipes.

This isn't a surprise. It's common for Filipinos to eat pork. Beef isn't cheap here, and we can live without eating chicken or fish. In addition to that, pig farming is a promising industry here , and we can even do backyard pig raising for meat consumption.

Why is pork a #1 preference?

It's affordable for the Filipino masses, rooted from our ancestors and passed on from generation to the next. Filipinos love for pork will remain because of its versatility as nearly every preferred dish for every Filipino dining table.

You can ask every average Filipino what would be their favorite dish, and they’ll tell you a savoury, spicy or sweet-sour meat dish, oh, pork dish.

Despite those claims from health professionals that eating pork can aggravate lifestyle diseases such as elevated blood pressure, heart disease, etc., it is undeniable that pork is the #1 choice of meat, next is chicken, and goes beef and fish.

Hmmm…look at these.

Among countless ways of pork recipes, I choose this three as my pick. Yummy, isn't it? 

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