Monday, July 01, 2024

What are the top ten craziest facts you know in psychology?

  • The most famous tip for getting motivated is to simply visualize your success. But research has found that, If you imagine yourself instantly successful, it will actually sap your motivation to go out and achieve your goals. A better strategy would be to visualize yourself completing the steps it will take to reach your goals. So, if you’re trying to lose weight, instead of visualizing your perfect body, visualize eating healthy & doing a workout [7].
  • Researcher suggests that children who are praised for their effort (You worked very hard to complete that assignment) rather than their abilities (You are so Intelligent) tend to believe that their success depends on their effort, not innate talent. Children who develop this type of mindset are also more likely to persist in the face of challenges & diversity[2].
  • Incentivizing things that are already enjoyable and rewarding can decrease your motivation. The Research published in 2018 suggests that, when people are given extrinsic rewards for tasks that they already find intrinsically motivating, then they will become less interested in the task in the future [3].
  • Research published in the National Academy of Sciences observed that 5 days of 20-minute meditation training can help you to improve your attention, as well as lower anxiety, fatigue, anger, and depression [4].
  • Researchers have found that your willpower can quickly be depleted while doing difficult tasks. So, relying on willpower alone is a mistake because it can only get you so far. But by finding an intrinsic source of motivation, you can recharge your motivational energy [5].
  • The threat of punishment can force you to action, but just for a short period of time. Research has found that reward is a more effective strategy than punishment when it comes to boosting motivation [6].
  • The Parkinson’s Law (your work always expands to fill the available time for its completion) works because it creates a false sense of urgency and gives a tangible starting point and ending point to a task. It’s hard for you to get started and stay focused when your mind is not clear about when it will end [10].
  • Research has suggested that people who are primarily motivated by financial concerns tend to suffer from worse mental health [8].
  • People often believe that being intelligent is a way to guarantee success, but researchers have found that Intelligence is not certainly always a predictor of success. In the famous longitudinal study of gifted kids by Lewis Terman, some of the most intelligent individuals lead very average lives [9].
  • Research has found that, people who slouch experience more bad moods, & poor confidence than those with upright posture. You can try it by yourself right now, staring at the ceiling & start smiling like crazy, it’s hard to feel sad when your body isn’t aligned with your emotions [1].

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