Friday, May 31, 2024

Is masturbating frequently beneficial to a man's health or does it increase the risk of prostate cancer?

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Masturbation is a very common activity and it is thought that just about every adult engages in it from time to time. While it is generally believed to be a healthy and normal part of human sexuality, there have been questions raised about its safety and benefits in recent years. In particular, there has been concern about the potential link between frequent masturbation and an increased risk of prostate cancer. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the research behind this potential link and what it means for men’s health.

First, it is important to note that no studies have proven that masturbation increases one’s risk of prostate cancer. In fact, the research on the topic has largely been inconclusive. A few studies have found a link between frequent ejaculation and a lower risk of prostate cancer, while other studies have found no association at all. Without any definitive evidence, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about the safety of frequent masturbation.

That being said, it is important to acknowledge that there are some potential benefits of masturbation. Masturbation can be a healthy outlet for sexual expression and can help with stress relief, as well as improving sleep quality and sense of well-being. Additionally, it can help men explore their own sexuality in a safe and comfortable way. As long as it is practiced safely and responsibly, it can be an important part of having a healthy sex life.

Ultimately, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that frequent masturbation increases the risk of prostate cancer. If you are concerned about your health or possible risks associated with your sexual activity, speaking with your doctor is always the best option. Your doctor can provide you with professional advice that is tailored to your individual needs.

In conclusion, while there is no conclusive evidence that frequent masturbation increases the risk of prostate cancer, it can still be a healthy part of a man’s sexual life. As always, it is important to practice safe and responsible sexuality in order to ensure that you are protecting your own health and well-being.

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Can prostate massage (or exercise) reduce prostate cancer risk?

Profile photo for Thomas Cayne

There is no proof whatsoever that prostate massage directly prevents prostate cancer, but indirectly it definitely does.

Urologists can efficiently detect (early) prostate cancer — or even abnormalities before an actual prostate cancer outbreak — through a digital rectal examination, and so medical prostate massage in that sense can definitely help “prevent” or early detect prostate cancer.

Also, research has found that regular ejaculation is important for sexual health in males, and is associated with a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. A Harvard study carried out with 30,000 volunteers between the age of 46 and 81 found evidence that frequent ejaculations mark a decreased risk of prostate cancer:

High ejaculation frequency was linked to a decreased risk. Compared to men who reported 4–7 ejaculations per month across their lifetimes, men who ejaculated 21 or more times a month enjoyed a 31% lower risk of prostate cancer. And the results held up to rigorous statistical evaluation even after other lifestyle factors and the frequency of PSA testing were taken into account.

And finally, as I understand it, a prostate massage can help men climax in real time, so in a rather precise mathematical sense, this side of prostate massage can actually prevent prostate cancer as well.

So the answer is: No, but Yes.

SOURCES: the footnoted site and Google images.


Marlene Dietrich loved Edith Piaf for years

Marlene Dietrich loved Edith Piaf for years. For years Edith Piaf did not return his love. Maybe he took advantage of it.

Marlene did everything for her. Everything a deity can do for another deity, if in love. From accompanying her to concerts around the world, to consoling her in tragedy, even leading her to her infinite secret lovers, the ones who received the love that Marlene wasn't entitled to.

Only one thing stopped Marlene's love. He tells it in his 1984 autobiography:

"When she started taking drugs, I stopped being faithful to her. It was more than I could bear. [...] I was desperate. Drugs were not as dangerous as those of today - there was no heroin or other equally harmful substances - but they were still always drugs and I gave up on helping her. My love for her persisted but had become useless [...] I abandoned Edith Piaf like a lost child, who will always be missed, who I will always carry deep in my heart."

As she herself writes, the love Marlene had for Edith never disappeared. And how could he? It was the same one who took her to be photographed kneeling at his feet to fix her shoe on her wedding day.

She, the diva of all divas, who would have the world at her feet forever. But love does this, it makes all the gods men.

Fonte : Francesco Dell’Acqua

📷Nick de Morgoli.Parigi. 1952, 

How did humans first discover salt for cooking?

It certainly wasn't some dream.

Early humans didn't wake up with a craving for salty mammoth jerky.

No, it was more... primal.

Think about it: these guys, living off the land, chasing herds, always on the hunt.

Their diet?

Mostly meat, plants, stuff with a little natural salt.

But as their palates got more refined and they wandered into new territories, they stumbled on places where salt was practically begging to be found.

Picture salty marshes, coastlines, even guys licking rocks (yeah, they did that).

These places exposed them to a whole new level of saltiness, and it probably didn't take long to figure out it made their food taste better.

It wasn't exactly culinary school, more like "survival of the saltiest."

Now, they weren't exactly Michelin-star chefs back then.

The first attempts at cooking with salt were probably pretty basic.

Maybe rubbing some salt from a spring onto a hunk of meat, or using seawater to season their grub.

Hell, they might've even watched animals licking salt, thinking, "Hey, if it's good enough for them..."

Over time, through trial and error and probably a few too many salty surprises, they realized salt didn't just make food taste good, it kept it from rotting.

That was a game-changer, especially in a world without those mini-fridges.

Basically, the discovery of salt in cooking wasn't some grand epiphany.

It was a gradual process, driven by observation, necessity, and a touch of caveman curiosity.

Ancient humans were also engulfed in the endless pursuit of a good meal, even if it meant licking a few goddamn rocks along the way.

Joy at the Presence of the Lord

Friday, May 31, 2024
Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Readings for Today


Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Luke 1:39–42

The beautiful feast we celebrate today depicts two miraculous pregnancies. One came about by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. The other was the miraculous conception in the womb of a woman who was advanced in years. The Scripture passage quoted above presents us with the initial encounter of Mary and Elizabeth as they greeted each other upon Mary’s arrival. Mary had traveled a long distance to be with her cousin for the last few months of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. And upon greeting Elizabeth, another miraculous event occurred. The baby in the womb of Elizabeth, Saint John the Baptist, “leaped for joy.” Thus, even prior to his birth, John began to fulfill his unique mission of preparing the way for the Lord. He did so at that moment by inspiring his own mother, Elizabeth, with a knowledge of the divine presence of the Savior within the womb of Mary.

Consider, especially, the conversations that these two holy women would have shared during their months together. Though we are given only a small insight into their initial conversation from the Scriptures, we can be certain that this was but a small sampling of what they would have discussed in much prayerful detail. In particular, their conversations would have contained a mutual sharing of the spiritual gift of joy.

Joy is much more than an emotion. It is spiritual in nature. It is not only an experience of something fun, it’s the experience of realizing the action of God in your life. Seeing God at work in wonderful ways leads to gratitude and rejoicing. This joy produces a strength and energy that is contagious and uplifting.

We must all strive to see the hand of God at work in our own lives so that our focus upon His divine actions will produce joy also. We need joy. We need to be strengthened by this gift so that we will be encouraged and strengthened as we daily strive to fulfill His will.

Reflect, today, upon the witness of joy that these two holy women give us. Know that you are called to share in the same joy as you humbly turn your attention to the ways in which God has blessed you. If you find that you lack joy in life, then consider where you allow your mind to wander throughout the day. Do you dwell on the past, on hurts, on problems and the like? If so, these thoughts will undoubtedly lead to depression and possibly even despair. Try to turn your mind to the action of God in your life. See the many blessings you have been given and savor those divine actions. Doing so will lead you to rejoice with Saint Elizabeth and our Blessed Mother.

My holy infant Jesus, as You dwelt in the sacred womb of Your own dear mother, Your presence caused much rejoicing in her heart and in the hearts of Elizabeth and John. Help me to see Your presence in our world and in my life, so that I, too, will be filled with the joy of You constantly coming to me. Jesus, I trust in You.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

What commonly known survival tips are actually totally useless?

  1. Drink your own pee to stay hydrated
    Dead wrong! If conditions are grim enough to inspire you to consider urine as a beverage, then you are probably critically dehydrated. The urine of a dehydrated person should not be reintroduced into the human body under any conditions.
  2. Cut and suck a snakebite
    This method won’t work and opens the victim up to a bigger danger of infection by creating a larger wound with bacteria-laden human spit inside. Find a doctor!
  3. Eat snow for water
    Bad move. In any volume of snow, the air-to-water ratio is about 9:1. Forget about brain freeze—this is core freeze. If it is cold enough for snow to be present, then it is cold enough for hypothermia. Always melt snow before drinking.
  4. You'll never get lost with a GPS
    They aren’t a fail-safe against getting lost. If you misplace or crush the unit, or your batteries die, you’d better have a map and compass (and the know-how to use them) as a backup.
  5. Rub two sticks together to make a fire
    Friction-fire techniques need practice. Just because it looks easy on television, don’t assume you’ll be able to do it under pressure without a lot of practice.