Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"Hate and greed make you stupid." - Former President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica

Former President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica, was considered the most modest president in the world. And he remained modest as a pensioner, he recently refused to receive a pension, and he donated his home and property to about a hundred children who were orphaned during the Syrian war. At one time, as the "poorest president in the world", he did not have bodyguards, he drove a "Volkswagen Beetle", he lived on a farm, and he donated about 90 percent of his monthly salary, which amounted to about 12,000 dollars, to charity. This is not the end, he used the presidential palace only for meetings and meetings with statesmen, but during the cold days, the homeless and their families stayed there. During his rule, Uruguay was the third most developed country on the continent and one of the few countries that managed to avoid the recession and maintain a positive growth rate.

Today, he lives in a country house with his three-legged dog. He says that he lives as the majority, and not as a minority of the Uruguayan people, and that all other leaders should live that way, that is, the life of an ordinary citizen. Everything else is meaningless and false. And he believes that if the president cannot walk freely on the street without a bodyguard, it means that he has done something wrong.

Mujica is used to a modest life. After fighting for the freedom of his nation, he spent 14 years in prison in his youth as a prisoner of war.

His motto is: "Hate and greed make you stupid." 

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