Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Why are humans afraid of snakes and spiders?

You say that like spiders and snakes aren't hugely lethal or dangerous.

Above: room filled with banana spiders

Yes, most are harmless; but, that doesn't stop us from having an ingrained and innate fear of them. It stems from our “reptilian brain”--it doesn't rationalize, it reacts. We see snake or spider, it sees threat…aka potentially venomous. These fears kept our ancestors alive.

Then, there's also the ick factor…snakes and spiders are gross & ugly to us. But, for others it's literally just an irrational phobia.

Also: most people aren't more afraid of a snake/spider than a crocodile or lion. The reality is, they have a far greater chance of crossing paths with a snake or spider than a lion or crocodile, so they dont actively fear that which cannot harm them.

In order for us to be threatened by a croc/lion, (for MOST ppl) we have to actively put ourselves in a dangerous situation…ie: fly to africa and get out of the safari vehicle… chances are, that will never happen. Because most people don't live in a country where lions and/or crocodiles exist.

Its important to note, that people who actually live in countries where lions/crocodiles are plentiful….they likely fear them more than a spider/snake. Fears are directly proportional with reality & environment.

However, this question suggests the majority of people are irrationally afriad of snakes/spiders, which they aren’t. I’m not afraid of either. I especially don’t find spiders more frightening or ‘gross’ than any other bug, for the most part. Granted, I live in a region where no poisonous snakes or spiders exist. One of the only benefits of the cold environment lol

Keep in mind….fear of all these species is healthy & normal, as it keeps us alive!

above: “ick” indeed!

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