Wednesday, May 22, 2024

What are some reasons why some men prefer Filipino women as their wives?

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Filipino women are workhorses. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. They are raising a culture where they do everything. They have almost all the jobs, they raise their children themselves without the help of father typically do all the cooking, etc.. .

Plus they’re little and cute. This is everything that appeals to an older misogynistic man. She will work her ass off and do everything for him, still work a job outside the home and bring in money. The only thing she will expect from the man is that he have a job and not cheat. Because Filipino men are notoriously lazy cheaters.

Because of the way, Filipino men are, Filipino women have low expectations. And, of course western men love it. I don’t have a problem with it personally. She’s improving her situation and he can get what he wants. I guess a part of me feel sorry for her, but compared to where she came from. She probably thinks she’s lucky. Western men love to take advantage of this cultural and economic disparity.

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