Saturday, May 25, 2024

If you are gay and don't contribute any children then what's the point of your existence?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

There is nothing different about the biology of a gay man or a lesbian woman that makes them incapable of having children. Singer Ricky Martin, below, has four children. Meanwhile there are countless straight people who have zero. Nikola Tesla had no children. Neither did Isaac Newton, and many others. The Buddha famously had a son, who became a monk and died childless — his line, too, died out.

But gay people can, and frequently do, have children. They either get into “marriages of convenience” or they get a surrogate mother to birth their biological offspring. Lesbian couples, likewise, frequently make use of a sperm donor to have children of their own. A couple I know has four kids this way, each woman giving birth to two of these kids, all four of them fathered by the same sperm donor.

There are, and always have been, some gay people who had children. Historically, many of our own ancestors have been gay, or at least not entirely straight. And even today as I write this answer, there are gay people contributing children to the human race. And straight people who don’t.

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