Saturday, May 25, 2024

Will religion survive the 21st century?

Just look at the birth rates for religious folks and those of atheists… it seems to me that one of the most, if not the greatest motivation for people to pump out a large number of children, tends to be religion. And the main reason for someone to be religious and remain in this religion, is to be born and raised into it.

By contrast, atheist or agnostic people may still have a fair number of children, individually, if their ego drives them to desire many descendants. I would know, I am one such agnostic, driven to produce a solid number of mini-me’s. But I’m not the rule… I’m the exception.

Most of my friends who have multiple children, are religious in some way. Those who have no children, or just one or two? Not awfully religious, for the most part. Speaking of people who are ‘not very religious’, this pretty much means “my children will likely abandon in the future whatever faith I currently still have”.

As long as devout religious people continue to be the ones having the most children, religion will continue to be a force to be reckoned with for centuries to come. This will not end within my lifetime, or yours, nor in that of our grandchildren. 

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