Wednesday, May 22, 2024

12 Golden things you learned with age

1. Home is where your happiness is

2. Oftentimes, nobody can love you genuinely like your mother.

3. Nothing in life is worth dying for

4. There will be good days and bad days, you can't escape both.

5. Power tests your kindness, money tests your humility.

6. There are some mysteries in life that you will never understand till you die and that's okay.

7. Religion often make people look down on others who share a different belief and foster hatred toward others. Remember you are as convinced of your truth as millions of people who share different belief, so be kind.

8. If you can manage your time properly, you have no choice but to succeed.

9. No matter how big your achievements are, you will never be satisfied.

10. Choosing someone who loves you is often a better decision than the one you love.

11. Most celebrities you devote your life to online only see you as part of the crowd and you may not meet them personally till you die.

12. You may not get everything you want out of life. So, make good use of every moment while you're still here.

Thank you for reading 😊 

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