Wednesday, May 29, 2024

What makes Scientology a controversial and negatively perceived religion?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

Because it is literally a scam. Scientology is designed from the get-go to be a scam. They have this process called auditing that is at the core of their “beliefs”. A higher-ranking Scientologist will ask you personal questions as you hold two metal rods. A machine will then supposedly rid you of “bad vibes”.

The whole process is not unlike the practice of Catholic confession, in the sense that the auditor will frequently delve into your past and make you recall past “sins”. But there is one fundamental difference between Scientology and Catholicism — your confessions are written down, and frequently taped. Now you may own up to some pretty embarrassing, potentially damaging things that you do NOT want to get out. And Scientology knows it.

Which means they have leverage over you. Few Scientologists leave the cult. And of those who do, even fewer speak out actively against the cult. Why? Because Scientology has been provided by their faithful flock with information to blackmail would-be renegades. That’s why it is a controversial “religion”… because it isn’t a religion as much as it is an elaborate scam. 

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