Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Has there been any speculation about whether foul play was involved in the helicopter crash with Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi?

Apparently, the helicopter carrying Iran’s president Ebrahim Raisi crashed onto a rock and caught fire — the helicopter has completely burned out in the crash.

The search took more than 11 hours, with 20 teams trying to locate the site of the crash.

The first photo from the scene of the helicopter crash of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

“All passengers of the helicopter died as martyrs,” the channel of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) reported.

Russia sent 2 advanced planes, helicopters and 50 professional mountain rescuers to Tabriz, on instructions of Vladimir Putin. Undisputedly, Putin is the world's best expert on plane crashes.

The Iranian social media is flooded with jokes about Raisi’s helicopter crash — the oppressed people fight back through humor.

  • “I think this is the only crash in history where everyone is worried if someone survived.”
  • “Happy World Helicopter Day!”
  • Our TV in Türkiye announced, "Bad news from Iran" — and we all immediately responded, "What, they are alive?"
  • “Big thanks to Russia for making the world’s worst helicopters and to the pilot for being a moron or a hero.”

Most people believe it was the weather and pilot’s error that caused the crash.

However, Russian propagandist Margarita Simonyan doesn’t believe that the crash was an accident.

"Raisi's helicopter crashed accidentally due to fog, Fico was shot by a crazy grandpa, as well as Olof Palme, and Kennedy. Crap happens. But it happens much more reliably with careful professional preparation, carried out by the rulers of crap,” wrote Simonyan.

Somewhere in hell, Yevgeny Prigozhin nodded in agreement.

The rest of Russian propagandists refrained from comments, waiting for the instruction manuals from the presidential administration.

A wise move. 

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