Friday, May 31, 2024

Marlene Dietrich loved Edith Piaf for years

Marlene Dietrich loved Edith Piaf for years. For years Edith Piaf did not return his love. Maybe he took advantage of it.

Marlene did everything for her. Everything a deity can do for another deity, if in love. From accompanying her to concerts around the world, to consoling her in tragedy, even leading her to her infinite secret lovers, the ones who received the love that Marlene wasn't entitled to.

Only one thing stopped Marlene's love. He tells it in his 1984 autobiography:

"When she started taking drugs, I stopped being faithful to her. It was more than I could bear. [...] I was desperate. Drugs were not as dangerous as those of today - there was no heroin or other equally harmful substances - but they were still always drugs and I gave up on helping her. My love for her persisted but had become useless [...] I abandoned Edith Piaf like a lost child, who will always be missed, who I will always carry deep in my heart."

As she herself writes, the love Marlene had for Edith never disappeared. And how could he? It was the same one who took her to be photographed kneeling at his feet to fix her shoe on her wedding day.

She, the diva of all divas, who would have the world at her feet forever. But love does this, it makes all the gods men.

Fonte : Francesco Dell’Acqua

📷Nick de Morgoli.Parigi. 1952, 

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