Wednesday, May 29, 2024

What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

  1. Looks do matter. For boys, for girls, for all. I will be little blunt here. Those who says see the heart is stupid because to see someone’s heart it takes years and people in the first go usually go for looks. Groom yourself well. work on your physique, dress up well. It matters a lot.
  2. Life is like riding a bicycle uphill. Either you go up or if you rest you go down. So work on going upward always, else misery will wait for you. Work on your health, else that much time you will suffer from health issues now or later. Evolve yourself.
  3. In any relationship or friendship reciprocate only to what they deserve. Do not go over the top each time. From your side keep surprising others, but evaluate each time whether the other person responds it well or not.
  4. Do not be too available for anyone except for your parents or siblings or 2–3 genuine friends. Usually when you are too available, people start devaluing you. Human psychology is weird someway.
  5. If someone does not like your company let them go. The world is big. You may meet some amazing persons next. It’s better to be alone than to be in pain by getting negative energies from someone.
  6. The world is bit manipulative. So be genuine from heart. But verify others before trusting each time.
  7. Have some people around you before whom you can be your real self. Even 2–3 genuine friends are enough.
  8. Constantly evolve yourself. Get a hobby. Work on it. Learn some life skills like driving, cooking . You learn different perspectives of life.
  9. In life make a fine balance of Economy and Arts. Economy means the number of hours you are giving to your job and profession. Arts means your artistic pursuit like painting, music and all. Try on your own.
  10. and Finally Meditate. If you want go deeper in life and have a blissful life Meditation can simply transform you.

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