Thursday, May 30, 2024

What commonly known survival tips are actually totally useless?

  1. Drink your own pee to stay hydrated
    Dead wrong! If conditions are grim enough to inspire you to consider urine as a beverage, then you are probably critically dehydrated. The urine of a dehydrated person should not be reintroduced into the human body under any conditions.
  2. Cut and suck a snakebite
    This method won’t work and opens the victim up to a bigger danger of infection by creating a larger wound with bacteria-laden human spit inside. Find a doctor!
  3. Eat snow for water
    Bad move. In any volume of snow, the air-to-water ratio is about 9:1. Forget about brain freeze—this is core freeze. If it is cold enough for snow to be present, then it is cold enough for hypothermia. Always melt snow before drinking.
  4. You'll never get lost with a GPS
    They aren’t a fail-safe against getting lost. If you misplace or crush the unit, or your batteries die, you’d better have a map and compass (and the know-how to use them) as a backup.
  5. Rub two sticks together to make a fire
    Friction-fire techniques need practice. Just because it looks easy on television, don’t assume you’ll be able to do it under pressure without a lot of practice.

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