Thursday, May 23, 2024

What are the most successful countries in Southeast Asia?

There is only one country that shouldn’t be in this part of the world—Southeast Asia.

After reading my 10 descriptions, feel free to make a wild guess.

  1. Which country has zero vehicle population growth- all year round for more than a few decades?

While vehicle sales in all countries are booming with new vehicles on the road daily and yearly but de-registration of vehicles is unheard of. For that matter, my 30 years old ‘Toyota Corona’ is still going strong, making Bangkok’s jams unbeatable.

2. Which country where ‘under-the-table’ money is put over the table with a new name- Development Charges, levies, etc.?

While all developers in all countries in SE Asia paid bribes to the Planners, customs, and immigration officers to build high-rise buildings in a forbidden zone, smuggle things, or traffic humans under the truck to work as maids.

This country is laughing all the way to the bank with millions of dollars received from a willing heart of building developers or businessmen & women to bring in immigrants to work as maids, construction workers, etc.

3. Which country, where the ministers draw an annual salary of at least USD 500,000?—Furthermore, the monthly salary for its PM freaking out supermen likes, Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin in jealousy, you name it.

While all ministers in SE Asia countries draw peanuts salary but their wives wear Chanel No. 5 carrying $20,000 LV luxury bags, traveling in chauffeur-driven limousines with bodyguards.

4. Which country, where 70–80 years old men or women are spoiled for choice should they opt to seek employment during their twilight years?

While the able-bodied elderly in most SE Asia countries although, they are so eager to work but no jobs are available, they are made to stare at the wall and ceiling out of boredom every single day, in a high and dry financial state.

5. Which country, where most citizens don’t understand what ‘SLUM’ means, it’s considered either French or German?

While millions in most countries in SE Asia have their earlier time in life from SLUMS and still going strong with slums, while newly created slums are popping up now and then.

6. Which country, where inflations do not affect food prices? Such as a plate of Chicken Rice stays for 20 years for the US $3.00 and a cup of Black coffee, is still 60–70 US cents?

While food prices, in general, have gone doubled and tripled in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia over the last 20 years.

7. Which country could turn the land into a gold mine, making an Apt price per square foot costs US$4,500? It’s going up faster than the price of a 99.9 % gold bar.

How much does a 100g gold bar cost, and the cost of land per square foot in your country?

8. Which country penalizes graffiti artists with caning, fines, and Jail terms?

While Thailand has a code of strong punishments for graffiti artists but in reality, a free-for-all. My ex-classmate curses and swears each time he repaints his wall.

9. Which country is so successful and blessed with its citizen who have the natural ability and inborn skills to get the tables and seats at full-house Food Courts in a blink of an eye?— They travel the world: and won’t be starving with such skills.

10. Last but not least, which country has 4 official languages?

It literally means: All citizens feel free to mix the 4 languages in daily conversation— mind you, it works and is understood well even when the intellectuals or nobles converse with the illiterate ones successfully… Can anyone beat that?

  • I bet any 12-year-old child will not hesitate to answer: It’s SINGAPORE.

Are you convinced that this ”Little Red Dot” miraculously is the most successful country in Southeast Asia?

Singapore achieved what none of all SE Asia countries have attempted to but have failed miserably. No one will object if Singapore prefers to relocate near like-minded Japan and South Korea and be their buddy. 

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